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Random number generation is important and some methods are better than others. In {EGAnet}, there are two common cases where random number generation is used: bootstrap (e.g., bootEGA) and permutation (e.g., invariance). The most common approaches for R packages and R users alike are to use sample for permutation and bootstrap with replacement and rnorm for parametric (normal) bootstrap.

Under the hood, these functions use a random number generator to obtain their values. By default, R uses the Mersenne Twister, a well-known and widely used pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). There are good reasons why R and other software programs use the Mersenne Twister: it’s fast, it has a long period (meaning it will be a long time before it repeats itself), and most other software use it. There are, however, many known limitations. R offers some alternatives (see ?RNGkind) but these must be manually set (with the consequence of resetting the state!).

Before getting into how {EGAnet} can make PRNG “reproducible”, it’s useful to know how it generates pseudorandom numbers (or not and skip ahead to the Reproducibility).

PRNG in {EGAnet}

The decision to use an alternative PRNG in {EGAnet} was based on three aims: (1) {EGAnet}’s PRNG results should be reproducible without affecting R’s PRNG, (2) statistical quality, and (3) speed. The algorithms used in {EGAnet} are open-source and available in C. Because seeds are set in C, they do not affect the PRNG in R.

The bottom line: scripts with {EGAnet} PRNG functions do not change the PRNG in R, keeping your code reproducible regardless of whether {EGAnet} PRNG functions remain in your script.

Permutation, Bootstrap, and Random Uniform

The xoshiro256++ (Blackman & Vigna, 2021) algorithm is the PRNG in {EGAnet}. The algorithm is used wherever random numbers are generated: permutation, pre-generating seeds (see Reproducibility), bootstrap with resampling, and generating uniform values between 0 and 1 that are used in random normal generation. The xoshiro256++ is a robust generator with its creators claiming (and verifying, but see repeat flaws1, 2) that it passes all known tests for PRNG (including tests where the Mersenne Twister and other algorithms fail). Besides having robust statistical quality, xoshiro256++ is fast.

To show the speed, a benchmark comparison between sample, (a simpler, stricter version of sample), and an equivalent function using xoshiro256++ for PRNG was performed. The setup used 500 repetitions in "block" order meaning all iterations of one method are performed before another. These settings mirror the default usage in bootEGA. The number of values shuffled without replacement (N) were manipulated in the power of 10. Here’s the comparison:

N = 10

Unit: microseconds
         expr min    lq     mean median    uq    max neval cld
 xoshiro256++ 1.8 1.901 2.046578  1.902 2.100 17.701   500 a  
       sample 4.2 4.401 4.802186  4.501 4.801 43.700   500  b 3.1 3.302 3.620432  3.501 3.801  7.102   500   c

N = 100

Unit: microseconds
         expr   min    lq      mean median     uq    max neval cld
 xoshiro256++ 2.501 2.602  3.004564 2.7010 2.9010 32.001   500 a  
       sample 8.302 8.951 10.678220 9.3000 9.8005 42.601   500  b 7.200 7.702  8.519796 8.1005 8.4020 25.300   500   c

N = 1000

Unit: microseconds
         expr    min      lq      mean median     uq     max neval cld
 xoshiro256++  8.301  8.6010  9.304808  8.801  9.101  60.201   500 a  
       sample 47.301 49.2505 51.768590 49.800 50.401 105.800   500  b 43.801 45.6010 49.985602 46.301 47.251 185.001   500   c

N = 10000

Unit: microseconds
         expr     min       lq     mean   median       uq       max neval cld
 xoshiro256++  70.501  73.7015 101.6722  75.3010  98.3010  8055.401   500  a 
       sample 468.602 495.4510 519.5600 499.0000 504.0510 10295.201   500   b 439.401 460.3020 483.3456 463.9015 469.8515  8857.901   500    c

Focusing on the median values, the pattern becomes clear: xoshiro256++ is 2-6x faster than base R’s sample and

Random Normal

The Ziggurat method (Marsaglia & Tsang, 2000) is a fast and robust method to generate random normal data (Thomas et al., 2007). Dirk Eddelbuettel has a fantastic write-up on the approach and his C++ implementation in {RcppZiggurat}, so details are not provided here. As Eddelbuettel compares in his write-up, different PRNG can be used with the Ziggurat method (including the Mersenne Twister; Leong et al., 2005). In {EGAnet}, xoshiro256++ is used, supplying fast and statistically robust random uniform values to the Ziggurat method.

The same conditions for the benchmark comparison with the sample functions was performed to generate random normal data with the Ziggurat method. A comparison was performed between {EGAnet}’s Ziggurat, {RcppZiggurat}’s zrnorm, and base R’s rnorm. Here’s the comparison:

N = 10

Unit: nanoseconds
         expr  min   lq     mean median   uq   max neval cld
       EGAnet 1200 1301 1461.380 1401.0 1501 14901   500 a  
 RcppZiggurat  700  702  958.232  801.0  901 40401   500  b 
        rnorm 1000 1101 1236.780 1101.5 1202  6101   500   c

N = 100

Unit: microseconds
         expr   min    lq     mean median    uq    max neval cld
       EGAnet 1.602 1.801 2.259408  1.901 2.101 25.901   500 a  
 RcppZiggurat 1.000 1.202 1.536390  1.400 1.501 35.201   500  b 
        rnorm 3.601 4.000 4.313174  4.201 4.401 22.801   500   c

N = 1000

Unit: microseconds
         expr    min     lq     mean median      uq    max neval cld
       EGAnet  5.401  6.301  6.58418  6.502  6.8010 21.301   500 a  
 RcppZiggurat  4.701  5.502  5.96425  5.801  6.1015 44.601   500  b 
        rnorm 31.702 32.800 33.37257 33.101 33.5020 47.100   500   c

N = 10000

Unit: microseconds
         expr     min      lq      mean   median       uq      max neval cld
       EGAnet  51.301  53.600  59.48418  54.6005  65.7515  121.201   500 a 
 RcppZiggurat  46.001  49.401  73.27382  51.9505  65.7010 7548.500   500  b  
        rnorm 319.700 328.001 353.45898 339.0015 341.2010 7854.400   500   c

Focusing on the median values, {EGAnet}’s implementation starts out the slowest when generating only 10 values. As N increases, {EGAnet}’s Ziggurat keeps pace with {RcppZiggurat}’s implementation and outpaces rnorm by about 2-6x. The gap between {RcppZiggurat} and {EGAnet} starts to widen as N becomes greater than 1000000 (median = 5.32 and 5.70 milliseconds, respectively). In practice, the speed difference between them would hardly be noticeable.


Reproducibility is fundamental to the integrity of scientific research yet reproducibility is the opposite of randomness. Nevertheless, reproducing results that require randomness (e.g., bootstrap, permutation) are necessary. {EGAnet} tackles this problem in two different ways: (1) pre-generating seeds using PRNG in C and (2) using internal functions to maintain R’s PRNG state.

Pre-generating seeds in C (using xoshiro256++) avoids any potential for conflicts with R’s PRNG. N seeds are generated based on a single seed from a function (e.g., seed = 1234). Using the single seed, the resulting pre-generated seeds will always be the same. The seeds are expected to be independent (due to the PRNG) and set up to be “thread safe” by using local storage meaning there is a minimal chance of unexpected behavior when using parallel processing (i.e., ncores > 1). By default, R’s PRNG is not thread safe and requires some consideration for parallelization.

The internal functions store_state() and restore_state() store the current state of R’s PRNG at the very start of an {EGAnet} PRNG function and restore the state at the very end, respectively. This strategy alone is enough to ensure consistent results before and after PRNG in {EGAnet}.

To see this reproducibility in action, here’s a minimal example in R:

# Set R's PRNG state

# Perform `runif(10)` once
 [1] 0.26550866 0.37212390 0.57285336 0.90820779 0.20168193 0.89838968
 [7] 0.94467527 0.66079779 0.62911404 0.06178627
# Perform `runif(10)` again
 [1] 0.2059746 0.1765568 0.6870228 0.3841037 0.7698414 0.4976992 0.7176185
 [8] 0.9919061 0.3800352 0.7774452

For your scripts and {EGAnet} to be reproducible, there are two things we need to see: (1) the exact same values when running runif(10) twice where running runif(10) before a PRNG {EGAnet} function and then again after is the same as running it twice in a row without running {EGAnet} PRNG and (2) the exact same values from running a PRNG {EGAnet} function before and after running a PRNG R function like runif(10). Here’s the result:

# Load {EGAnet}

# Set R's PRNG state

# Perform `runif(10)` once
 [1] 0.26550866 0.37212390 0.57285336 0.90820779 0.20168193 0.89838968
 [7] 0.94467527 0.66079779 0.62911404 0.06178627
# Perform `bootEGA` and set seed to `1234`
boot <- bootEGA(wmt2[,7:24], uni.method = "LE", seed = 1234, plot.typicalStructure = FALSE)

# Print summary
Correlations: auto
Algorithm:  Walktrap
Unidimensional Method:  Leading Eigenvector


EGA Type: EGA 
Bootstrap Samples: 500 (Parametric)
                1     2     3     4     5
Frequency:  0.024 0.636 0.294 0.044 0.002

Median dimensions: 2 [0.79, 3.21] 95% CI
# Perform `runif(10)` (again)
 [1] 0.2059746 0.1765568 0.6870228 0.3841037 0.7698414 0.4976992 0.7176185
 [8] 0.9919061 0.3800352 0.7774452
# Perform `bootEGA` and set seed to `1234` (again)
boot <- bootEGA(wmt2[,7:24], uni.method = "LE", seed = 1234, plot.typicalStructure = FALSE)

# Print summary (again)
Correlations: auto
Algorithm:  Walktrap
Unidimensional Method:  Leading Eigenvector


EGA Type: EGA 
Bootstrap Samples: 500 (Parametric)
                1     2     3     4     5
Frequency:  0.024 0.636 0.294 0.044 0.002

Median dimensions: 2 [0.79, 3.21] 95% CI

The results of runif interspersed with bootEGA were fully reproduced. In this example, the Leading Eigenvector (uni.method = "LE") was used because the Louvain algorithm uses PRNG that is not controlled by {EGAnet}. For more details on reproducibility with the Louvain algorithm, see Louvain Reproducibility.

Random Results

Random results in PRNG functions in {EGAnet} are achieved by setting seed = NULL. A message will pop-up letting you know that the results will not be reproducible, so be sure to save your data before leaving R/RStudio. When setting seed = NULL, n seeds will be pre-generated but rather than using a defined seed the seeds will be set based on your computer’s clock time in nanoseconds from the date January 1st1^{\text{st}}, 1970 UT. This strategy means that unless you can pinpoint the exact nanosecond (i.e., 0.000000001 second) when the computer grabbed your clock time, you’re unlikely to get that exact seed (and results!) again. Although PRNG are never truly random (but see true RNG), the results you’ll get will certainly be hard to reproduce.

Louvain Reproducibility

The Louvain algorithm represents a special case in reproducibility in the {EGAnet} package. By default, the Louvain algorithm shuffles the order of the nodes when performed using some PRNG. The PRNG in {igraph} is not controlled by {EGAnet} and therefore results will usually be similar but not exactly the same:

# Load {EGAnet}

# Set R's PRNG state

# Perform `bootEGA` and set seed to `1234`
boot <- bootEGA(wmt2[,7:24], seed = 1234, plot.typicalStructure = FALSE)

# Print summary
Correlations: auto
Algorithm:  Walktrap
Unidimensional Method:  Louvain


EGA Type: EGA 
Bootstrap Samples: 500 (Parametric)
                1     2     3     4     5
Frequency:  0.004 0.642 0.306 0.046 0.002

Median dimensions: 2 [0.83, 3.17] 95% CI
# Perform `bootEGA` and set seed to `1234` (again)
boot <- bootEGA(wmt2[,7:24], seed = 1234, plot.typicalStructure = FALSE)

# Print summary (again)
Correlations: auto
Algorithm:  Walktrap
Unidimensional Method:  Louvain


EGA Type: EGA 
Bootstrap Samples: 500 (Parametric)
                1     2   3     4     5
Frequency:  0.014 0.638 0.3 0.046 0.002

Median dimensions: 2 [0.81, 3.19] 95% CI

Notice that the results are very similar but they are not exactly the same (frequencies for 1 and 3 are slightly different). The data that were generated in bootEGA are exactly the same but the shuffles performed by the Louvain algorithm in {igraph} were not. The similarity in results may vary with how stable your data are (itemStability can help you gauge that). Implementing a reproducible Louvain is a work-in-progress and a goal for future {EGAnet} versions.


Blackman, D., & Vigna, S. (2021). Scrambled linear pseudorandom number generators. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 47(4), 1-32.

Leong, P. H., Zhang, G., Lee, D. U., Luk, W., & Villasenor, J. D. (2005). A Comment on the Implementation of the Ziggurat method. Journal of Statistical Software, 12(7), 1-4.

Marsaglia, G., & Tsang, W. W. (2000). The ziggurat method for generating random variables. Journal of Statistical Software, 5, 1-7.

Thomas, D. B., Luk, W., Leong, P. H., & Villasenor, J. D. (2007). Gaussian random number generators. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 39(4), 11-es.

Source Code



1 When running this program over xoshiro256++, the issue of repeats is present; however, with the recommended Splitmix64 generator for seed setting, this issue to go away. {EGAnet} implements xoshiro256++ with the Splitmix64 generator. Splitmix64 may not fully resolve the issue but it makes the it less likely.

2 There is some contention in the contemporary PRNG space. The PCG and xo(ro)shiro families of PRNG are two recent developments that are considered high quality PRNGs (among others). Despite the tension that exists, choosing one of these developments is a general improvement over most software default PRNGs. The decision to use xoshiro256++ came down to speed and ease of implementation and integration within {EGAnet} and the Ziggurat method.