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For every function in {EGAnet}, there are built-in data checks that may sometimes throw an error. Errors in R can be cryptic and {EGAnet} tries to help out by having some systematic errors that are a bit more user-friendly.

This guide is aimed at making the data check errors that {EGAnet} throws more transparent. Below are some common data check errors. If you find one of these errors, then please do not submit a bug report – these errors are by design! Try to fix whatever the error is telling you as it is likely something quick that can be handled in your data.

“range” Error

A range error is when a function receives data (numeric values) that are outside of the expected range of values. This error most frequently occurs with polychoric.matrix in auto.correlate because of the underlying C code.

To set up an example, we’ll recode the optimism dataset to be on a 5-point Likert scale from -2 to 2 rather than 1 to 5:

# Load {EGAnet}

# Recode the optimism dataset
optimism_recoded <- apply(optimism, 2, function(x){x - 3})

# Estimate EGA
ega_optimism <- EGA(data = optimism_recoded)
Error in "polychoric.matrix" :
Minimum value of 'data' (-2) does not match expected range(s). Values must range between: '0' and '11'

For more details on how to fix this error, see:

The error specifies that the issue occurred in the polychoric.matrix function. The error says that there are data with a minimum value of -2 in the dataset when the function expects a minimum value to be 0.

Without getting bogged down in the details, the polychoric.matrix function is fast and efficient for computing polychoric correlations, but in order to make it so, it needs to take advantage of clever indexing. In C, indices start at 0, so any values lower than 0 means that the data need to be re-indexed so that the lowest value is 0 (and the highest value, if applicable, is 11).

To fix this issue, you can recode your data:

# Get the minimum value
minimum_value <- min(optimism_recoded, na.rm = TRUE)

# Print value
[1] -2
# Recode the values to start at zero
optimism_fixed <- apply(
  optimism_recoded, 2, function(x){
    x + abs(minimum_value)

# Estimate EGA
ega_optimism <- EGA(data = optimism_fixed)

By recoding the lowest value to 0, the error goes away and EGA executes successfully.

“class” Error

A class error is when a function receives a class it does not expect:

# Estimate EGA
ega_optimism <- EGA(data = optimism)

# Compute the Generalized Total Entropy Fit Index
Error in "genTEFI" :
Input into 'data' is an object with 'EGA' class(es). Input is expected to be 'hierEGA' class(es)

For more details on how to fix this error, see:

The genTEFI function expects a hierEGA class but it received an EGA class object. This error means that the wrong object class was used with the function.

“object” Error

A object error is when a function receives a object that it is not designed to handle:

# Estimate EGA using a list object
opt.hier <- EGA(data = as.list(optimism))
Error in "EGA" :
Input into 'data' is a 'list' object. Input is expected to be 'matrix', 'data.frame', 'tibble' object

For more details on how to fix this error, see:

Here, EGA expects to receive a matrix, data frame, or tibble but the input was a list. The data will need to be converted to one of these three object types before proceeding with the analysis.

“typeof” Error

A typeof error is when a function receives data that is not in the expected type:

# Estimate EGA using a character TRUE
opt.hier <- EGA(data = optimism, plot.EGA = "TRUE")
Error in "EGA" :
Input into 'plot.EGA' is 'character' type. Input is expected to be 'logical' type

For more details on how to fix this error, see:

In this example, EGA expected input into the argument plot.EGA to be a logical (TRUE or FALSE) but instead got a character "TRUE". The error tells you that the input is expected to be logical.

“length” Error

A length error is when a function receives input that is longer (or shorter) than expected:

# Estimate EGA using two TRUEs
opt.hier <- EGA(data = optimism, plot.EGA = c(TRUE, TRUE))
Error in "EGA" :
Length of 'plot.EGA' (2) does not match expected length(s). Length must be: '1'

For more details on how to fix this error, see:

This time for the plot.EGA argument the correct type of input was used (logical) but there were too many input. The (2) says that the argument received two inputs when it expected only 1.

None of the Above

If you’ve made it this far and none of the above errors apply, then submit an issue on GitHub.

Make sure to provide a minimal reproducible example (like those demonstrated above) and send any data necessary to expedite the process of getting the error fixed.